We want to start this page off correctly with a understanding of what is happening in the background. While these videos contain evidence of fraud and manipulation of the public in order to take a gene therapy (not a vaccine) THERE IS NO AUTHORIZED VACCINE IN THE UNITED STATES AND WE HAVE THE PROOF again censored by youtube.
from the mouth of the vaccine makers and the Dr’s who give them out. Find out you have been lied to. Our family members have been killed. Now they will call it the side effects of covid-19. We will give you the vaccine inserts as well as the FDA side effects sheet and the changes they made to the vaccines over the years including the ingredients and how most of them are not for human use and are dangerous as hell.
The corruption goes as far as the chemical companies changing the label of the chemicals they sell in order to cover their asses. As an example ask yourself a quick question. if water is water so why is a chemical company who sm102 is chloroform now have a label change to Ethanol. Why would you change the name from chloroform to ethanol unless you didn’t want people to know they were using chloroform sound like fraud and information manipulation
O but don’t worry we have the documents and all will be added. this page was just created again after the censorship of our older site Feb 2022 by go daddy. All undercover stories are below the pdf’s
the cells are HEK with a digit HEK is Human Kidney Cells from an aborted fetus. The number is the number is children used until the desired mixture. Don’t forget it needs to have cancer to be an immortal cell line. Cancer is what a living bad cell that grows out of control it does not die it just stops when the host dies. Cancer is a parasite Cancer is like a zombie virus. They put those in your vaccines.
we would like to point out the catholic church lied to its followers and told them none of this was in the vaccine. Yes the Vatican lied to everyone. what would you expect from people who covered for their pedophiles.
All known side effects of the mRNA vaccine have been known for over ten years. We even have a video from the 1 of 5 people left alive from their mRNA studies explain it killed everyone and destroyed him as well.