
YouTube Exposed: Censorship, voter manipulation racism and The whistleblower, Protest guide, Sars Cov-2 connection & JFK

They censored us for reporting truth
they lied about us and said we were spreading misinformation when we can prove it by the Governments own mouth.
you lied about us. Good Luck Susan … Continue readingYouTube Exposed: Censorship, voter manipulation racism and The whistleblower, Protest guide, Sars Cov-2 connection & JFK

YouTube Exposed : Chapter 1: Censorship of Music, News reporters. Data Manipulation, Theft, and Fraud. 10 days and 625 plays removed by YouTube. Plays no longer updating on videos evidence provided

Censorship of Music and News reporters (Constitutional Violations) Data Manipulation, Theft and Fraud. 10 days and 625 plays removed by YouTube. (Note to the IRS) … Continue readingYouTube Exposed : Chapter 1: Censorship of Music, News reporters. Data Manipulation, Theft, and Fraud. 10 days and 625 plays removed by YouTube. Plays no longer updating on videos evidence provided


The Censorship Hearing 7-20-23: U.S Intel, Tech, Music distribution services, silenced our voices. So now we will silence yours.

Question you grow up abused and beaten forgotten and left behind locked in homes seen more people killed and die than most military from the age 0f 4. You think censorship will stop these types. As you can see you only make them angry and expose you. Not fear you … Continue readingThe Censorship Hearing 7-20-23: U.S Intel, Tech, Music distribution services, silenced our voices. So now we will silence yours.


YouTube / Google / Alphabet.Inc Exposed : All Chapters 1 – 8. Updated 2/27/2023

These are the full chapters of our YouTube saga and they will be edited and cleaned up. This was created because our first story had all of these elements in it and it became extremely long to load all the information. This has been year of our life learning from insiders and the whistleblower exactly how they work and how to expose what they have done. We never wanted the band to be part of these stories but as our news stories released we had been notified of the censorship, throttling, shadow ban and the blacklist the band had been placed on and as we started to keep records we noticed they were even removing likes and plays … Continue readingYouTube / Google / Alphabet.Inc Exposed : All Chapters 1 – 8. Updated 2/27/2023

Not of Man