
YouTube Exposed: Censorship, voter manipulation racism and The whistleblower, Protest guide, Sars Cov-2 connection & JFK

They censored us for reporting truth
they lied about us and said we were spreading misinformation when we can prove it by the Governments own mouth.
you lied about us. Good Luck Susan … Continue readingYouTube Exposed: Censorship, voter manipulation racism and The whistleblower, Protest guide, Sars Cov-2 connection & JFK

YouTube Exposed : Chapter 1: Censorship of Music, News reporters. Data Manipulation, Theft, and Fraud. 10 days and 625 plays removed by YouTube. Plays no longer updating on videos evidence provided

Censorship of Music and News reporters (Constitutional Violations) Data Manipulation, Theft and Fraud. 10 days and 625 plays removed by YouTube. (Note to the IRS) … Continue readingYouTube Exposed : Chapter 1: Censorship of Music, News reporters. Data Manipulation, Theft, and Fraud. 10 days and 625 plays removed by YouTube. Plays no longer updating on videos evidence provided

Not of Man