
YouTube Exposed Chapter 11: Youtube scared of Not of Man: Censorship, fraud, abuse, & lies.

If you would like to try go to YouTube and test this for yourself it will repeat exactly. Now this should revoke section 230. They have acted in a manner of a publisher of content like a news channel. 230 does not allow this behavior. This is a blatant violation of anti trust laws. You cannot compete on the same playing field as other artists if no one is allowed to see you. … Continue readingYouTube Exposed Chapter 11: Youtube scared of Not of Man: Censorship, fraud, abuse, & lies.


Mark Zuckerberg: Instagram, Meta, Facebook Child Abuse, Murder, Suicide. Exposed 04-21-24

From manipulating elections, and your emotions with facebook / meta. Mark has made himself a human test factory and you are all his subjects. we will be posting the videos of you explaining to the world how elections should be run and how you did the test runs to see how the voting will go. Good luck censoring it now. … Continue readingMark Zuckerberg: Instagram, Meta, Facebook Child Abuse, Murder, Suicide. Exposed 04-21-24


LD 3.0 we will never comply with forced coercion or threats. Our rights will not be violated Covid 2023

we will not listen to any mandates or rules created that violate our human rights constitution or our ability to live freely which is allotted to all Americans through the constitution and our personal pursuit of happiness if that mean we want to get COVID and die. We should be able to with out you saying a fucking thing as it is our rights as Americans. … Continue readingLD 3.0 we will never comply with forced coercion or threats. Our rights will not be violated Covid 2023

Not of Man