notice the videos you are not to hear or see have a low or altered view count and this can be proven with documentation and you tube knows this. This has been three years of censorship and attacks for telling you the truth and now they are hiding music and documents that expose they censored and hid side effects and doctors through the pandemic in order to help make the big pharma and some government officials like Nancy Pelosi 3.5 Mil on stock and insider trading. We would like tp point out everything we have ever posted about COVID came directly from the united states government or another countries government and medical systems including the all empower johns hopskins university who seemed to know exactly what would he happening through COVID in detail down to the very tweets
website host tech support explain what we knew that we were being censored by you tube. This video is completely censored and throttled by google alpha you tube. it exposes his true feelings what he did and said behind your backs. when you click this video you will see a link to his own page strangely when you go to the site through a hyperlink google you find our website completely is non functional. so start over by just typing it in. in a private window