We back Israel, Fuck Hamas / Hezbollah / United nations thanks for the new never ending war. updated (Shred the Quran)

After a year everything we told you what will happen and all you will be killed and we will smile while it happens
The Machines are falling

If you Support this shit and try to use not of mans music as a tool to criticize your murder of innocents expect us to fuck you up publicly stupid bitch

If you support this shit expect to be exposed in full – Atlas

Page started Oct 8th 2023

For All Police Across the world who have been demoralized on purpose
Not of Man – The God Infection Afghanistan 2011

We are the great equalizer we bring all enemies together to expose the goal. enjoy






#1.Your mask does not protect your face from face ID.
#2. You are terrorists
#3. We know the organizations that are working with these groups
#4. If you want to see how they are planning and working their goal into place step by step
https://crimethinc.com/ is the site that is teaching them how to be good little terrorists
this is the same people who infiltrated BLM and the extra chaos during j6.

if you give terrorists what they are asking for expect them to keep making more and more insane demands. Palestine is a state like California and nothing more. They expect to be treated as a independent country now? two state solution will never work when one side is a known terrorist org

We do not support the killing of innocent civilians in any way but Hamas has made that very difficult but wearing what the citizens wear in order to hide among the crowds. Wake up this are war games in order to change perception. A better job needs to be done in order to protect the innocent lives but when they are being raised to hate Jewish people from child birth its hard to see innocence as they have been brainwashed into hate.

As for the American protestors you have no impact around the world and a cease fire so what is happening is solving nothing creating issues and is being done back a hidden hand. and we know what you are doing.

The Hidden hand ( George Soros the Jewish Nazi )

He funded the blm protest and violence in through covid and the very same steps taken are being repeated with the protestors

the next step is to take buildings and if they do not meet the demands of the students they will smash and destroy until the cost become that of the investments they think they are impacting.

As a heads up to the Palestinians the protest you are doing in the united states is the definition of terrorist behavior. You altered and affect others lives because you disagree with their views. One was locked up for threatening a politician on television thinking its normal…

1948 the Brits gave Israel 100% fact

reads just like a description of the behavior

The United States president is a bitch who walks out of a meeting why not just tell Israel you want the cease fire instead of abstain its the fucking same thing. But its interesting that when its a holiday for Hamas please o please no more war (you fucking bitches) they dress up as the citizens and so the aid they get is in danger if they rush a terrorist can place a bomb on the car or equipment and then you will have another huge death toll.

As for Hamas you want them to stop yet you started it, and you are using your own people as a psychological weapon to manipulate the view of the public who do not know better. IF YOU DRESS UP AND USE KIDS AND HOSPITALS AS BASES OF OPERATION, RAPE AND MURDER INNOCENT KIDS MOTHERS AND FATHERS FAMILIES

how this works = dress up as a citizen so you can move freely in and out of areas place weapons on items without being seen or noticed walk in a group with a bomb go to the fucking mall. So they have to be trigger happy or more will die its a simple math equation and if you do not want the death of Palestinians any longer you should have not done what you fucking did and are doing. Idiots
end of update 28-03-2024

Updated 2-13-2024

the united nations has been helping Hamas by housing them and having members actually attacking Oct 7th. We have had enough of this Its time to show the world what fighting a terrorist organization looks like. We are are tired of speaking to people who hide their Jewish faith in fear in America. Because you do not know how to educate your own children in history and hate. We know multiple people who are leaving the united states due to this and the land of the free was never meant to be the land fear and oppression due to your religion.

( A thank you to our Muslim team members who supplied this so we could prove a point. ) Even they are amazed at the hate uneducated Americans are screaming in the street.

Hillary told you 2012_Benghazi_attack was caused by what ?

in this day and age when everyone seems to be scared of their shadow. YOU forgot 9-11
we all came together against a terrorist group who attacked innocent people and killed thousands that day. Some jumping from the building others burning to death and last but not least those smashed into paste by the building falling on them.

Now each of those people had a family, why did they die ?
a religious belief and political ideology.

well lets explain how you deal with people like this.
we will be shredding your bibles on video.
putting the pieces in fermented pig urine and then
sun drying it so it will burn easy.

the abuse of children
mothers grandmothers and entire families over a rapist god.
we will be proving a point with our protest video.

we will do it to another religious groups bible as well.
we are not doing this out of hate for the people of these beliefs (but we know only one group will try to threaten to kill all of us.) Sadly you have no idea how many we are.
but for the ones who distort and use it as a tool for fear and a weapon.
we will destroy your power in front of the world.

  • The Watchers
    (We have members of the same beliefs helping us with this as they supplied the bibles for us.)

expect us to show you something they thought they would never see in their lives.

end of update 12-02-2024

with the press wreck of a press conference on 2-8-2024 with Joe Biden he revealed his reasons as to why he believes Hamas attack Israel and if this is true the attack is directly related to his actions

As of 7-2-24 date Hamas the pussy ass wanna be group who threatened and told the world they were going to ruin the us for supporting Israel is now looking for another cease fire because they are being demolished and destroyed. They are using the hostages as leverage and will never truly let them go or they will be killed for crimes against humanity. They keep playing a psy op we will surrender then run away. The reason for this is they need time to regroup and focus on the next steps so each time we do this. we play into the hand of fucking idiots who think they run the game.


the woman on the cover works for the California government making over 100,000 + dollars a year She removed all evidence she exists after this was released and we wont let her run away from her stupidity

Page started 7-10-2023 updated 6-2-2024

How does the 14 and another 4 locations blown to shit
eat the united states and Israels dick (hows that boot in your ass)

We warned you what was coming

updated 02-02-24
Here comes attacks your way stupid shits, (bring it Iran) your internet banking and military bases your economic funding and more will be head on attacks. we want to point this out you killed 3 of our soldiers
we bombed over 84 bases of op. so think for a min this was over 3 soldiers get ready to learn that we wont take this shit anymore. We hope every one of you terrorist are put in the proper place deaths hands.

(BOMBING RUNS, HACKING AND ECONOMIC Attacks Already turning you into red mist ) more to come
think for a min you stupid shit welcome to the America that wont take your shit you terrorist fucks
sounds great you have a arsenal of missiles but we can just bomb those locations and you have what ????

1-29-24 We would like to say tonight is going to be a shitty night for the terrorist who drone attacked the united states tower 22 ( we are going to fuck you into the ground ). Enjoy the night raids and bombing. We have explained very clearly their goal is to destroy the Jewish community and they see the united states and all its supporters as enablers of a belief they want wiped from the earth so they will attack the world and anyone who supports it as you go through this page. You will see our teams have very clearly explained their theology funders and their locations.

We are not Jewish, but that does not mean we cannot support them or any people of faith. After the disgusting show on New Age Nazi’s by the government schools and public. we are taking a stand and saying no more. Here is a wonderful idea we fully support and hope you will as well. Terror is making the Jewish community hide their faith out of fear of being attacked. If you are like us then you don’t fear a group using threats to create fear and control a population of people who now living in fear of being attacked daily.


update 6-12-2023
we have reported this since the attack and now the united states and the UN fucks want to now say rape and murder of mothers is happening. But through out it all, you have stayed silent and ignored the violence on mother grandmothers children and you stayed SILENT!!! SILENT!!! out of fear.

Gavin Newsom Canceled the Christmas tree lighting and prerecorded his speech because he is allowing the supporters of rape violence terrorism and murder of children. So while he is recording a movie (yes fact check that) He is allowing fear and terrorism. In order to please his voters and not stand for the rights of the abused and beaten.

End of update

update 5-12-23

We have a question for Joe Biden.
Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthi, Iran have all attacked
the U.S / israel attacked on 10-7-2023 – 12-5-2023 and now the red sea.

So far all you have done is try to get people to stop shooting at each other and meet with them to try and make peace. They have a untold number of united states citizens being held hostage and not likely to be leaving.

You keep wanting peaceful talks in Qatar with a group that has threatened the united states it citizens and its on video. So instead of showing the weakness you and your entire party have sucked the D of terrorist org and try to help them in the process.. Why because most of them are in the democrat socialist party and After they have attacked and killed united states citizens what have you done besides talk talk talk.

update 11-27-2023

We have a very very strong distaste left in our mouth when a 48 year old idiots goes and shoots three innocent Palestinians in the united states celebrating thanksgiving because he dislikes their religion or race. What you did is no different than these fucks. Another stabbed and killed a mother and daughter.
These people are innocent and have nothing to do with the issues on the other end of the world

We do not support the harm of innocent Palestinians or anyone of any faith. We can disagree and see very differently but violence is not how you change the world or the way these people work by killing innocent people. All of the worlds hate should be directed at these monsters not other humans who have nothing to do with this shit…..

dear united states fuck git mo grab each of these men have them gang raped in public and send them home. They will have no power or control and will probably kill themselves saving the world time.


On 8-7-23
You invaded on a holiday, attacked, raped mothers, cut children out of pregnant bellies, you kidnapped over 200 people.

told lies and put out propaganda videos which were BS

Hamas used a hospital as base of operations. ( A WAR CRIME )

Now the people who supported Hamas and Hezbollah and cheered the day of. Want the I.D.F to stop shooting.

Why? because of a humanitarian issue?
That is called FUCKING stupidity. You start the fight you do the horrific actions and take families away and killed them. SO NO, no one should ever stop killing you.

( we normally do not support violence but in this case even we want to see your snuff vids sent by the I.D.F Our personal favs were the fuckers with go pros who are tagged and end up laying out in the sand for hours bleeding and praying. (the best part is when they get left behind by their own men who realize they are about to die so they leave the goat fucker terrorist to bleed it out.

Palestinians and most people in the U.S don’t seem to have a grasp of the word GENOCIDE, the 1988 Hamas charter directly states death of all Jews. Which the chant from the rivers to the sea Palestine will be free, But leave out the part that includes wanting to kill all Jews in order for that to happen.

The leaders of these terror groups is actually located in Qatar and they are millionaires. Who leave their people they rule in poverty and living life styles the tell others not too.

So while this shit hole is speaking he will be brainwashing and sending kids to their death. As the I.D.F is going to eliminate you completely now. You started the fight and called for the death to all of them. Now you want them to back off (Sad little Men)

In the U.S the supporters have been blocking freeways shutting down malls and gluing themselves to the street while in red paint during the Macys day parade over the females and kids being killed during a war.

We do not want war at all we hate it we hate violence but once you attack why should anyone give you quarter after what you did. We laugh at you because lets face it
many times this is not reported but the females are used for reproduction while the boys get ass fucked by these shit bags. They get to fuck their wives after they died.
They hate females as they are a lower life form in their eyes. Think anything we said is a lie fact check all of it.


ex KGB Yuri Bezminov – it takes ten to 20 years to demoralize a country 9-11-2001 – 8-7-2023

now kids who do not even remember the world on 9-11 because its seems to have been wiped from YouTube and media, unless it’s on 9-11. This has led to the support of Hamas by a younger generation who were never taught or learned their history.

Thanks public education of America you have done so well.
Our kids love terrorists now and are beyond stupid to think anything they do will stop what’s coming for the world with all of this.

end of update

update for 9-11-2023

Today has never been more dangerous to be on any side of a political issue or social issue.
Having an opinion leaves you as a target to be threatened into silence or control. Fear is the biggest tool used in this form of terrorism / thought control.

While many are busy seeing the issues of the day the are not see the set up for many issue that most likely will be to come.

  1. Open borders for almost 3 years
  2. The borders are not controlled. terrorists have come through.
  3. sleeper cells are in the United states.
  4. Joe Biden told people to surge the border. During the democratic debate.
  5. Joe Biden has moved these people around the united states. through endeavors
  6. The United states cannot track and trace all of these people.
  7. This is being used to hide whats been done with COVID 19, Origin and Vaccine side effects.
  8. The united states defended the police during the summer of love in 2021
  9. using gun violence to remove the rights of citizens who follow the law.
  10. Removing arms leaves you defenseless in an attack
  11. using race as a bat to beat, hate and division into the public head.
  12. terrorists attacks are extremely likely to hit the US
  13. If there is an attack the very people responsible are the democrats in office who have been allowing this lawless and corrupt behavior.
  14. Without arms, without police, with violence in the streets coming with the division of the Israel and Muslim community
  15. The terrorists have openly stated they would kill US citizens just like they did in Gaza.
  16. The protests will end in violence on a constant basis and attacks will be handled with the biggest fear of offending and starting another attack.

    look up United States, Ca Ventura county Israel / Hamas protest murder if you want to hear how scared they are of creating a issue between the two groups.

(Side note)
simple and easy way to get the badgers out of their holes. smoke them out of the tunnels or use an isotope that is non toxic but visible on a radiation scans. drop it in the tunnel and you can see over time each and every hole they pop out of, cave they are in without a single person needing to lose a losing life. Or just use a a fan and a ton of smoke and watch them come running out of the holes. Its the same idea behind killing tunnel digging animals.

You can follow the isotopes through the hills using radar. just shoot them as they coming running out or if you go the radar route you can literally drop the land on top of them.

stop trying to negotiate these people will never stop and have made that known.

we will add more details in the future to explain where this is purposely heading

End of update

Page started 7-8-23 updated 9-11-2023
These uneducated college kids are supporting a group they do not even know the history of.
You are supporting the below audio clip taken from Eli beer a first responder to the Hamas attack on 7-8-23

Eli Beer, United Haksala of Israel Republican Jewish conference 2023.

When the shooter was killing people and the tv was saying it was mental patient from the hospital who recently shot and killed 18 people and not one person questioned if that was real or not yet they psy op.

Hamas is playing of the people blaming Israel doing small releases to buy time and try to sell propaganda. We are disappointed in American politicians. its been weeks now and you keep asking for them to extend the annihilation of the Hamas terrorists so you can get people out.

Isnt it proper procedure to not negotiate with these types. the full assault should have already taken place. These people asking for a cease fire are Hamas supporters none of them want this to stop they just want to play games. They started this this I.D.F IS GOING TO FINISH ALL OF IT to ensure none of this happens again.

now that you realize you all woke a giant from its sleep you are scared. The nazi’s tried this once and they will not let it ever happen again. The War Snuff to come is going to be that of art work.

First and foremost we hate war, violence, and seeing people die because they exist.

You killed KIDS! KIDS. HAMAS are the people in war you wound and sit back and watch them pass while they cry and pray. (NEVER KIDS)

1. at no time in history has more Jews been slaughtered on a single day (not in ww2) not soldiers but citizens.

a. Attacking Citizens is beyond a pussy move and only shows you feared being killed.

b. They took ww2 holocaust survivors as hostages (do you realize how old they are and they have been through this before the woman said on their video I’m 86 years dead what do you think you can do to me (Quick summary)

c. 8 million people live in Israel , killing 600 Israelis on the streets, in their homes and at an outdoor festival and injuring more than 2,000. With 100 hostages WTF

9/7/23 was Israel’s 9/11/21 in fact by mathematical scale it was much larger
if only 8 million live in Israel,
335 mil live in the United States
that’s the equivalent to 10 9/11 events happening at once
Israel just got hit with a nuke on its citizens not soldiers, which is a massive goat fucker move. HAMAS
you realize the world just watch you take out kids grandmas and mothers.

You are so fucked in ways you have no place to run and hide Iran also had to OK the attack before it ever happened. This will be a ground war. You will see door to door clearing and the issue will be that Hamas and the citizens will look the same. After 2014 attack they will need to remove the towers all around them. Getting the hostages will be almost next to impossible. So after that the next step will be to smash them into the ground. (finding the tunnels can be done with the right tools)

Knowing who is the enemy and who in not will be a tool used to manipulate soldiers.

we in no way are trying to discount the 2997 people or lives on 9/11 we are simply trying to show you scale of damage VS the US. We Care for everyone of the world and 1 innocent death for us impacts our lives. We have seen far too much, and been through too much, not understand what these people are dealing with right now. The anger the fear the hate and aggression. ( please remember these lead to bad choices being made for everyone in the world ) All we truly want is world peace. We are tried of having to see this side of life.

Not of Man