Walmart Recording remember 15 days to slow the spread.
Don’t questions us!
We are Walmart and rule you. now buy our products you slaves. After your done get the F out of here ! The old videos are some of the funniest to go back and watch. Loving the comedic gold
if Walmart forced you to be vaccinated against your will.
this site has all the information needed to sue them into the ground.
Any work place for that matter.
Time to stand up and say never again !
Start with informed consent and the Nuremberg code
getting the documents off our site to prove all of it.
Walk in and own them they did this to you for 3 years and expect this to go away in a puff of smoke
remember your businesses remained closed and shut down but for some reason these fucks could do anything and everything they wanted. Including violating the rules and having people shoulder to shoulder indoors through 2019 – 2021. Now after they have manipulated the entire society with fear please take your mask off for the new face recognition system. (we have the videos of it in action on your kids in schools)
we should also ask Hillary Clinton why she was warning Australia and France about the Wuhan lab while she was secretary of state. Oops was that a secret….. (cable: 0*state ***0*_a)
Just wait till they say you cant wear a mask anymore because a safety reason