Spotify censorship of Not of Man & Musicians

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Spotify censorship of Not of Man Started Oct 25 2022 updated 2 14 2023. and 7-14-2023

update for 7-14-2023

we love our whistle blowers

2.1k listeners last week and we drop to this as the election nears we will go through our photos and get the date of the highest plays and show you and you can see as our censorship kicks in and we show you how they silence a voice. we have it in oct 25 2022 at 2.1k and as of 2/14/2023 its 110 LOL

we average 600 to 800 x 30 days = 1800 to 2,700 a month listens a a month we will show you the numbers vs what they claim is being played

its small but the number of plays at the bottom for one day are 759 or so the page below it is 600

That says 2.1k listeners a month this was taken 10-25-2022
This is on 10-08-2022
Wow less subs more plays and listens and we gain a follower only to have us drop by hundreds of plays a a few days
taken 2/14/2023

Notice the band even went up by a subs. You will see playlists that their music is on and still on yet they removed them from their discovery. Now they are skinning a few off each day till their will be a nothing or a few left. This is the exact thing we wanted to show and prove as the election and our music went on. As their corporate interests are the ones doing this as all Not of Mans music that is from the informant album and singles can all be fact checked. We will even make music videos for them out of the quotes so people can see. They censor us you will be next and we have proved that

10 17 2022
10 20 2022
Playlists disappeared and listener numbers dropping by hundreds a day.

Now the number is completely frozen which means they are what!!!!!
Now the world had stood still and no one has listened.

10-25-2022 notice the followers are now gone ?
Feb 1st 2023 all playlists removed and This is Not of Man Now has a blank cover Unsure why
2/10/2023 we told you this exact thing would happen and we proved it on point.
Not of Man