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YouTube Exposed : Chapter 1: Censorship of Music, News reporters. Data Manipulation, Theft, and Fraud. 10 days and 625 plays removed by YouTube. Plays no longer updating on videos evidence provided
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We ask our listeners to send in any for of data manipulation as our fans have always been rather loyal. They document and send in screen shots and videos of the alterations and manipulations. The the moment they have removed views from lyrics videos for release my demonz and for cia network news pizdit and wake up
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The below link is documented evidence of removal of songs plays views and subs. We have been openly attacked by big tech for years now and it will not stop us then or now.
we will upload videos of fans playing these songs and then proof that the remove the view so that the song cannot be heard as the less interaction with a track the more it is share by their ai ml fairness